
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14

The Shady Grove Church  Children’s Ministry begins in the nursery.  We provide professionally-staffed childcare for infants and toddlers (ages 0-3), a place where our youngest children can experience the love of God by feeling secure, resting, playing, and learning. We create a safe, enriched, and nurturing environment for your children so that parents may fully participate in worship, education, and special events.
Preschool - Grade 5
Bible, Worship, and Community. Younger children learn Bible stories, first prayers, and key Scripture verses.. Older children explore the Bible in life giving ways and are encouraged to participate in age appropriate service projects, connect midweek programs, and learn about why we worship, study and give.

What to Expect...

Sunday Mornings

Sunday School  & full service (preschool - age 3)
Sunday School (grades 3-5)
Half service + Kids Church (grades 3-5)

Wednesday Evenings

TeamKID is designed for Kids of all ages! It features Bible memory games and application of Bible truths, engaging missions videos, and fun activity-based learning all while helping your kids grow to be more like Jesus.

Contact Us

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